Sunday, May 17, 2009

Prasat Kravan, Sieam Reap, Cambodia

Taken with Nikon D60, dated May 2009

Prasat Kravan is located in the east of Angkor Wat and south of Banteay Kdei. Built by King Harshavarman I in the early 10th century during his reign and was dedicated to Hinduism. Prasat Kravan is an unique arrangement of five brick towers in a row on one terrace. The lintels and columns are of sandstone. The sanctuaries inside the towers are remarkable for the large bas-relief depictions of Vishnu and Lakshmi that have been carved into the walls of reddish brick.

Prasat Kravan was reconstructed by archaeologists in the early 20th century. Some broken bricks were replaced with carefully made reproductions which are marked with the letters "CA".

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