Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gecko, Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Taken with Nikon D60, dated May 2009

When I about to touch the carving stone, I found a gecko underneath its outcrop. The body colour of this creature is totally blend in with the rock colour, if I did not noticed and for sure I will miss it.

Geckos are small-medium sized lizards belonging to the family Gekkonidae and found in warm climates throughout the world. Geckos are unique among lizards in their vocalizations, making chirping sounds in social interactions with other geckos. Males also use the voice to establish dominance of a particular area or to attract females.

Geckos live on rocky outcrops or in trees. They are superb climbers, and many species have small toe pads made up of tiny hairlike scales that enables them to climb vertically or upside down. Most species are nocturnal and have eyes with vertical, slitlike pupils that can be expanded to accommodate darkness and let in more light. Geckos come in various colours and patterns. Some are subtly patterned and somewhat rubbery looking, while others can be brightly colored. Some species can change color to blend in with their environment or with particular temperatures.

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