Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Goddess of Mercy Temple, Penang, Malaysia

Taken with Canon powershot A75, dated May 2006

Goddess of Mercy is the oldest Chinese temple in Georgetown, Penang built by early Chinese settlers. This temple is also called Kuan Yin Teng Temple (觀音亭) and situated at Lebuh Masjid Kapitan Keling.

The temple was built in the finest tradition of ancient Chinese architecture style. The ornate curved-ridge rooftops of the main hall made to look like an ocean waves decorated with dragons which act as the guardian of the temple, and is supported by dragon-entwined pillars, carved from a type of green stone. Within the temple, in an inner chamber, is a statue of an 18-armed Kuan Yin with each hand either holding a different cosmic symbol or expressing a specific ritual position.

There are two huge iron stoves in the courtyard where worshipers burn paper offerings (gold and silver paper), and beside has an octagonal well which was once a public well for the Chinese community. It attracts both ardent pilgrims seeking the guidance of Kuan Yin and tourists.

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